Monday, September 27, 2010

Let loose!

Okay, this might be the most embarrassing of posts, but I'm gonna go for it. Today, I am grateful for that moment when I come home from work and guessed it, my bra!! It's not as though I notice the constraint all day long--I'm pretty unaware of it, actually.
But in the final seconds of climbing the stairs after a hard day at school, I suddenly can feel every single pinch, pull, snap, clip, and all I want to do is GET IT OFF!! Aaahhhhhh, sweet relief.
So, here's to that moment of freedom!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Struggling to find it

Today, I have to admit I'm struggling to be grateful for anything. It's only because the harvest moon has been beautiful, but deadly, the past three nights. Full moons disturb my sleep cycle (call me crazy, but I KNOW it's true!), and this one has been a doozy.
Three nights of frantic dreams, multiple awakenings, cardiac arrhythmia--the whole shebang.
So today I'm going to make a conscious effort to be grateful for EVERY LITTLE THING. Since I'm crabby from lack of sleep, it will take work to find anything good. But I pledge to do the work!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hooray for fall!

Grateful, grateful, grateful for fall weather in the Midwest! Granted, this week we're having a hot, humid return of summer, but it won't last. Soon the trees will be in glorious color and the days will be crisp and clear.
FALL ROCKS! I'm one lucky chick to live where we have such a beautiful season.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today, we pause to remember the day our worlds stood still. While much has changed since 2001, some things will never change. Humans can be unfailingly kind and unflinchingly cruel to one another. I am so lucky my life is filled with kindness.
Since I last posted about our family's recent devastating news, I've been overwhelmed with kind words, hugs, gifts of support.
Today, as I send my thoughts to the city I love, I'm filled with gratitude for the loved ones in my life.
Thank you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Just when you think things are going smoothly, life throws an obstacle in your path. How do you respond? I can tell you that my first response is to curl up in a ball and isolate myself. Is that healthy? I don't know, but it feels necessary.
I received some bad news about someone I love this weekend. I was planning a party at the time. What did I do? I canceled the party and went into a "cave." Maybe that was wrong. I mean, I have wonderful, supportive friends, and I know that spending time with them would have certainly lifted me up.
But I couldn't get past the feeling that I would let them down. I don't think I could have spent time with them without telling them what I was going through, and that would put a damper on the whole day. So I canceled. I'm once again reminded of how lucky I am, though, as all of these friends sent warm, supportive messages of care, and the two of my girls who live nearby came over with food and hugs and laughs. They know me so well. They are the people I would spend every minute of my life with, if life allowed, and they know that. Their presence is my best medicine.
So today I feel better. Not good, but better. Able to probably function a bit. I have to screw up my courage and call the ill loved one, and I know it's going to be a painful conversation. But I'm buoyed by the love of those around me. For this I am so grateful.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm a General Music teacher, which means I have the privilege of sharing my love of music with hundreds of preteens every year. This past week marked the start of my 34th year of teaching, and I'm grateful for every minute of these years.
I am lucky to teach a subject which provides so much joy to people all over the planet, and I discover new sounds every single day. I want my kids to leave my class enjoying music, being open to all sounds, feeling like accomplished listeners, performers, and composers.
Here's to another year of musical fun!