Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random thoughts

It's been awhile since I posted, but that doesn't mean I haven't had thoughts of gratefulness daily! Actually, each day that passes, I spend time going over why I'm so lucky--I just get lazy when it comes to posting about these thoughts.
So, here are a few thoughts from recent days:

I'm so lucky to have such a strong body. Out of shape, maybe not attractive to look at, but there's SO much I can do to keep myself independent. I'm grateful for my strength.

I'm so lucky to have a pool in my backyard. I live in a climate which only allows me to use the pool 3 short months out of the year, and for much of this summer, I whined about having to constantly fish leaves and muck out of the pool. But when I'm floating peacefully, listening to the birds and squirrels scamper, I know how lucky I am.

I'm lucky that my family is healthy. The girls are, for the most part, happy; my dad is still going--maybe not strong, but--forward; my brothers are wonderful, soft-hearted guys with terrific families. I'm very lucky.

I'm grateful for the talents I've been given, and for parents who encouraged and nurtured those talents. I really can do a lot of things others can't do, and I think I would shrivel up and die without being able to be expressive in my music, my cooking, my writing. So, thanks, mom and dad.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

To vaca(te) or not to vaca(te)

I'm toying with the idea of running away for the last four days of my official summer. I have a place picked out, and I know it will be fun and relaxing, but I'm on the fence as to whether to spend the money and do it, or just keep getting summer errands done.
Anyone who might be reading this, weigh in, okay?

Believe it or not,

...I'm grateful for my body! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS would I believe I would ever say that. But I am. It's large, out of shape, not very attractive, but it's strong, pretty healthy, and it's still going. Thought I wouldn't live this long--not a good history on the female side of my family. But I'm here, I'm getting healthier and stronger every day, and it's time I admitted that I'm glad for who I am, HOW I am.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm grateful for furriness. It's ironic, considering I'm allergic to cats. But I always smile when my cats crawl up onto me, as if they just can't get close enough. I have one very small, VERY old cat, and one young, VERY large cat. If one is on my lap, the other absolutely MUST spread himself across my neck. There seems to be a great deal of jealousy between them. I find myself frequently smothered by the love of these two goofballs. I laugh every time. I'm grateful for that. Even though it makes me sneeze.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Feeling sorry for myself again

Last night was the Perseides Meteor Shower. Viewing this gorgeous sky show has been a yearly tradition for us--sit out on the deck from midnight to 3 a.m., talking, laughing, ooohing and ahhing. But this year there was no one to sit with. My girls are grown up and out on their own. I know I should be proud, and I truly am, but I'm also really lonely without them. They are the people I enjoy most on earth, and I feel their absence so acutely during traditions like this.
I just couldn't sit out there by myself, but now I regret missing my chance.
I know I'll get over this feeling of loss, but I think I'm going to allow myself to wallow a little while longer.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Feelin' it again

Though I haven't posted in awhile, I've had daily "grateful" moments and I'm doing pretty well with keeping my gratefulness in the front of my mind.
The weather today has become wonderfully cool and dry; I know it won't last, but I'm grateful for today.
Had a great time at Wrigley Field on Wednesday--first time in 35 years! Good friends, great atmosphere, and the Cubs beat the Brewers! :)
Been toying with the idea of escaping for my final two weeks of summer, but maybe saving money would be more prudent. So I'm going to try to work hard on the summer to-do list and be grateful for each accomplishment, big and small.
Been eating well, gearing up for the "Eat Local" challenge that begins next week. I'm lucky to live in an area with amazing produce and farmers' markets--I think the challenge won't be too difficult.